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Encuentros de Juventud de Cabueñes.
1 de julio de 2024

CARTEL KABUÑSLa inscripción para participar en los Encuentros de Juventud de Cabueñes 2024 ya está en marcha. Se trata de una actividad formativa que puede ser de interés tanto para los profesionales que trabajan con adolescentes y jóvenes como para el propio colectivo juvenil que participan en asociaciones. (más…)

Exploring the Wonders of Bioluminescence: Nature’s Glow-in-the-Dark Magic
26 de junio de 2024

Imagine walking along a serene beach at night, your footsteps lighting up the sand with a soft blue glow. This captivating phenomenon is the result of bioluminescence—nature’s own light show. Found across a variety of ecosystems, from the depths of the ocean to dense forests, bioluminescence is a fascinating adaptation that has evolved independently in numerous organisms.

What is Bioluminescence?

Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. This light is generated through a chemical reaction in which a molecule called luciferin reacts with oxygen in the presence of the enzyme luciferase. The energy released during this reaction produces light, often with minimal heat. The color of the light varies depending on the organism, ranging from blue and green to red and even yellow.

Where Can You Find It?

Bioluminescent organisms are most commonly found in marine environments. In fact, up to 90% of deep-sea creatures possess some form of bioluminescence. From the anglerfish, which uses a glowing lure to attract prey, to tiny plankton that light up in response to movement, the underwater world is teeming with glowing life.

On land, bioluminescence is less common but no less magical. Fireflies are perhaps the most familiar example, using their light to communicate and attract mates. Certain fungi, such as «foxfire,» emit a greenish glow that has inspired folklore and wonder for centuries. Even some terrestrial snails and millipedes have been found to emit light as a form of defense.

Why Do Organisms Glow?

Bioluminescence serves various purposes depending on the species. Common functions include:

  1. Attraction: Some organisms use their light to lure prey or mates. For example, the female firefly signals her presence to males through specific light patterns.
  2. Camouflage: In a strategy known as counter-illumination, some marine species emit light from their undersides to match the light from the surface, making them less visible to predators from below.
  3. Defense: Many organisms use bioluminescence to startle or distract predators. Certain squids, for instance, eject glowing ink to confuse attackers.
  4. Communication: Light can serve as a form of communication within a species, whether for mating, warning, or other social interactions.

Bioluminescence and Humans

Bioluminescence has long captivated human imagination. Ancient mariners told tales of glowing seas, and bioluminescent organisms have been the subject of scientific inquiry for centuries. Today, researchers are exploring its potential applications in medicine, environmental monitoring, and even art. For example, bioluminescent markers are used in genetic research to track cellular processes, while glowing plants are being developed as a sustainable source of light.

Where to Witness Bioluminescence

If you’re eager to experience bioluminescence firsthand, there are several destinations around the world renowned for their glowing waters:

  • Mosquito Bay, Puerto Rico: Known as the brightest bioluminescent bay in the world, it’s home to an abundance of dinoflagellates, a type of plankton that glows when disturbed.
  • Toyama Bay, Japan: During spring, the bay lights up with the eerie glow of firefly squids.
  • Gippsland Lakes, Australia: These lakes are occasionally illuminated by bioluminescent algae, creating a surreal spectacle.


Bioluminescence is more than just a natural wonder; it’s a testament to the ingenuity of evolution. Whether used for survival, communication, or reproduction, the glowing lights of the natural world continue to inspire awe and curiosity. So the next time you’re near the ocean at night or walking through a forest, keep an eye out for nature’s glow-in-the-dark magic—you might just witness something extraordinary.

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24 de junio de 2024

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24 de mayo de 2024

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Las Distrofias Hereditarias de Retina. Acceso al video de la jornada.
15 de mayo de 2024

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El mercadillo solidario de la Asociación Es Retina en Gijón te da las gracias.
3 de mayo de 2024

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Jornada Retos para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las Distrofias de Retina
3 de mayo de 2024

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10 de abril de 2024


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8 de marzo de 2024

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